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Computer Class
Practice Library Skills


Call Number Order & ABC Order

Our libraries have around 10,000 books in them.  They have call numbers so we can keep them organized.  Practice call number and ABC order with Mrs. Lodge's Shelver Game.


Catalog Searching

Our catalog is called "Destiny" and it contains all of the books we have in the library.  Practice doing the five kinds of searches (title, author, subject, keyword, & series) and discover books you want to check out when we get back to school.  Click on the "Destiny" link to get started.


Catalog Your Home Library

Use your knowledge of call numbers to organize your home library.  You can create call numbers for your books using this recipe for call numbers:


Fiction Picture Books:  E / First Letter of Author's Last Name

Fiction Chapter Books: FIC / First 3 Letters of Author's Last Name

Nonfiction Books:  Dewey Decimal Number / First 3 Letters of Author's Last name


Create an account on Library Thing to organize your books.  Add your books to your online library by using a smartphone to scan the ISBN number (barcode on back cover of most books) into the site. 




K-5 Library Standards Met

1.8 Identify parts of a book

     Know that fiction books are placed in A to Z order by author

     Explain the organization of the Dewey Decimal System

     Recognize & use OPAC (catalog) to locate materials

     Use a variety of information resources & multimedia products

Search the Catalog

Our Favorite Video from Class

"The Dewey Decimal Rap"

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