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Books Sign

(from Peter's Township Public Library)



Harry Potter at Home

(from J.K. Rowling)


After you read a book, try one of these activities:


- Write or video yourself giving your opinion about it.

- Call a friend or tell a family member about it.

- Make an illustration about it.

- Make something out of LEGOs or other materials about it.

- Act it out with a family member.

- Learn more about the topic or author by using keyword searching skills on your favorite search engine site.  We like Google or Kiddle.

- Create a card using characters from the story and add a friendly greeting to it, then send it to a nursing home to cheer up one of our elderly citizens.

- Complete a Reading Response.







K-5 Library Standards Met

1.1 Choose a book of interest

       Read a variety of texts


1.3 Identify authors/illustrators of interest

      Read literature by award-winning authors/illustrators


1.8 Share information from a book

       Identify keywords related to a topic

       Use a variety of information resources & multimedia products

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